Monday, September 10, 2007

Mc Chris

1) is coming to Gainesville in November. I will be there. No joke. Not like this Andrew Bird crap.
2) said this:
"last night i watched the vma's and i was so bored, i flew through it on my tivo. if i was reading they'd call it skimming. i dunno. everyone looked fat and rich and boring. nothing awesome and desperate, hungry about it. no connection to the people. it's my belief that the people in the club arent the people. the people like they say in it's a wonderful life, do the living and dying, salt of the earth, blue collar whatever you wanna call it. i think of pissed off surbanite teens as the people, the hobo kids, the squatters, the msi goths. i dont know where this club that mtv thinks we all wanna be in is. dancing with a mixed drink in one hand, placed strategically in the audience like a town hall meeting with the president. it all seemed played out and stupid. next. maybe be[ing] famous isnt cool anymore."
And maybe it isn't.

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