Sunday, September 23, 2007

I've been shopping

This morning, in my mind, I spend $300 on clothes. Luckily, I have not yet done it in real life. What I want:

Nordstrom: I feel like I could find shoes I like more for less money. I love the skirt and top though, but there is only one color of skirt left and only two sizes so shouldn't it be one sale? I am going to check in over the next few days and hope there is a price drop.

Bus Stop Shop:
I love both these items. I found this site kind of randomly, but I like it. The cardigan is $74 which I am finding is within the price range of cardigans that I would want. It seems expensive, but I don't think it is. The dress on the other hand is just adorable and under $50 and on sale. I don't know what to do. I don't have any money and I can't really justify the expense. I spent $250 at Anthropologie like a month ago.

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