Monday, July 9, 2007

Speaking of buying things

I was reading about people buying odd things to freak out the cashiers, so I wanted to tell a funny story. The first 100 or so (not that many) condoms I used, I got for free from the health care center. The first time I bought condoms, I was really embarrassed (and incredulous. They seemed so expensive!) so I bought them along with birthday present stuff for my friend, Mike. At the time, I thought I was being clever and that the cashier would just thing I was giving someone a joke gift of condoms, but in actuality, I probably looked insane. I bought a birthday card, a gift bag, tissue paper, and condoms. I wish I still had that receipt.

1 comment:

Greg said...

Almost as much fun as ninja shopping for other people in the store. Dropping KY into a 70 year old woman's cart does wonders for your view of the world.