Monday, August 25, 2008

Graduate Schools Update

I am dropping #4 and adding another Northeast school in its place. The school rank is much higher and I figure if I am going to do this, I should do it right.

I took some time off work and really focused on the necessary writing. I wrote the analytical essay for #1 (in California) and got my boyfriend and a friend to read through it. I am sending it to someone else today for an opinion and then I will hold for a week, reread, and then submit to the student readers the school offers.

I am working on the four-page policy memo for the newest addition (new #4). It is a little short right now, but I am just adding ideas as I find them and find time to write.

My general statement of purpose is basically done. I just need to tailor it to the schools. My resume is looking good. My Personal History Essay for #1 is decent. I don't know how long it needs to be or anything, so I just wrote and then stopped when I reached the present.

My big problem is that my writing style, while technically correct is very bland. I have a decent vocabulary but it isn't extraordinary. I don't know what to do to pep up my writing some and make it really impressive.

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