Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I am reading so much and I refuse to use bookmarks (they're for suckers), so I just have to guess where I was an then pick it up from there (generally page 39). What I have taken to doing is reading to the end of the chapter and then going back to where I started (this time) and reading back until I get to the point that I actually put down the book (the last time). You should try. It changes the whole fucking thing.

Books you should read because I am reading them:
The Jelly Donut Diet Book - It is not exactly good and the editing could be better, but someone published it as is. I find I like his personality enough to ignore the blatant mistakes.
The Corrections - I lied to someone and told them I read it twice. I have only read it once. I am in the middle of the second reading.
The last 3 issues of Esquire - that is when my subscription began and I am trying to catch up.
Off the Books: The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor - Again, not the best storyteller, but the stories are too good(? interesting may be a better word) to not read.

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