I finally finished Saboteurs: The Nazi Raid on America by Michael Dobbs. I heard about the book from an episode of This American Life and the book combined two of my greatest interests: Nazi and the death penalty. The book started off kind of weak and honestly, if I hadn't already heard the story on TAL, I probably would have quit reading it, but I am so glad I didn't. The book turned out so well. The amount of research Dobbs must have done for this book absolutely blew my mind. The end, even though I knew what was coming, still made me really sad.

The second I finished that book I started The Whore's Child and Other Stories by Richard Russo. The first story in the book, The Whore's Child, made me enormously sad. This on top of the ending of the Nazi book were just too much and put me in quite the mood for the rest of the day. The story was fantastic and the best in the collection, but all the stories were good and you can really see how his novels incorporated the short stories.

Just about an hour ago, I finished Manic Magee by Jerry Spinelli. It is a Newberry award winning book, but I had never read it before. I absolutely loved it sometimes and other times I didn't like it at all. His writing style was amazing and engaging and varied and I really appreciated that from young adult literature, but sometimes I felt almost manipulated and the story felt too contrived. Those moments were few and far between and since the book is less than 200 pages it wasn't so bad. The ending was perfect. Probably one of the best book endings I have ever read. I honestly don't know if this book would have meant as much to be had I read it when I was at that reading level.
I am starting No One Belongs Here More than You by Miranda July and I have been anxiously awaiting this book for what seems like forever.
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