Tuesday, July 31, 2007
But, good news, The FBI searched Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) as part of a corruption case. I hate Sen. Stevens with a passion. He is horrible for the environment and for every decent thing he does, he pushes forward something (ANYTHING) to get more money for Alaskan projects that need oversight and planning, not more money. He is the genius that said the internet was a series of tubes. Now, granted, he is really old and my boyfriend's grandmother (who is younger than him) once told me to email a place to order something for my boyfriend and then, very proud of her understanding of the internet, gave me a URL. Clearly, keeping up on such things is hard when you are older. BUT she, I'd like to point out, is not a senator. So yeah, Sen. Stevens is an old man. I don't care if he serves time, I just want him thrown out of office and made an example of. It disgusts me that Sen. Strom Thurmond is so idealized by some and it is too late to fix that. But in hopes of saving the world from canonizing another failure of a human being, I want it made clear that Sen. Stevens is a horrible, corrupt man so people in the future don't admire him.
Monday, July 30, 2007
I lost my weekend to SA
You should take the time to really look through them. Some of the pictures are perfect. On page 11 (I think) of July, there is one of the prettiest girls I have ever seen.
I signed up for a Photoblog. I am planning on investing a lot (for me, not for people who really take pictures) on a camera and doing a Project365-type deal. I would like a watermark for my photos though (in case I am magically super talented). I don't know how one would go about doing that.
Friday, July 27, 2007
My friend posted this to her blog, so I thought I would share. It is Harry Potter related but not a single spoiler is contained.
It was supposed to be McSweeney's Monday
My favorites so you don't have to go find them yourself:
Things I Have Learned From Ex-Boyfriends.
- - - -
It is impossible to compel someone to speak to you.
Sid Vicious was a member of the Sex Pistols.
Past and Future Magazine Titles That Map Our Intellectual Decline.
- - - -
Long Slide Into Atrophic Dementia Weekly
Which Side of These Pants Is the Front?
Soft Gurgling Noise
Lies Printed on My Waffle Iron.
- - - -
Easy Clean
Unlikely Disasters.
- - - -
Sun and moon collision
All eyeballs turn to wood
Tornado made of fire
Sea mammals attack world's financial centers
Mountains leave
Colin Firthquake
Review of New Food:
General Foods International Suisse Mocha
Submitted by Sara Sligar
Suisse Mocha comes in a small tin whose color I always think of as red, although only about 10 percent of the surface area is actually red. The rest is covered with pictures of European-looking chocolate beverages and an "International Recipe" that involves the phrases "flavor destination" and "indulgent recipe." I will translate this quintessentially European text into American for you: "Mix with hot water."
Over winter break, aided by my mother and her MasterCard, I procured several tins of this magic stuff, intending to carry them back to my dorm room once school resumed. And carry them back I did. Traveling from the wild plains of the Midwest on the wild planes of American Airlines, I spirited my bounty back to New England. Ecstatically, I cleaned a mug. Breathlessly, I heated water. Filled with incandescent hope, I drank. And it was magnificent.
Nothing can equal the delicious blend of coffee and hot chocolate that is Suisse Mocha. Staring out my window at the winter-stripped tree branches and the icy ground, I mentally relocated myself to a chic Parisian café. My life was suddenly amazing. Colors were brighter. Sounds were stronger. Every day since then has been an unstoppable dream.
One day, a couple weeks ago, I went to the hot-chocolate machine in the dining hall and saw the other spigot, which spurts out a coffee drink that I have heard colloquially referred to as "the most disgusting sludge ever." The less refined have called it "shit." Curious, I looked closer, to see what terrible beverage could have elicited such a response from my peers, who, in my experience, seem willing to imbibe essentially any liquid created.
The label said: "General Foods International Suisse Mocha."
According to Wikipedia, mocha is "an American invention" that is "mostly unknown in Italy and other continental European countries."
Sugar Daddies
Submitted by Leigh Duffy
I love these caramel pops. When I was little, I would eat these on long family trips to pull my baby teeth out. Worked every time—although, if I had one tooth I initially planned on losing, the thick, unforgiving caramel would inevitably rip out two others as well. It was a satisfying pain, made tasty by the delectable combination of sugary sweetness and blood pooling in my mouth. For this reason, I recommend Sugar Daddies to all families with young children.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Virb has really blossomed
There are so many groups and people I want to befriend. There are some really great photos and videos. And since it is so new, I can just friend everyone without having to check them out like on myspace. I hate myspace.
First, Iraq won a semi-final in the Asian Cup. That is fantastic. No country needed something like that more. These people are in constant pain and fear and moments are joy are sorely needed. And I hate the people that took that away from them. That is truly unfair and just disgusting.
Second, Kaiser Permanente was fined AGAIN by the state of California. Anyone that saw Sicko (a very enjoyable film, even if it isn't total honest) or lives in California knows that Kaiser treats patients terribly. These fines are far too small and too easily forgiven. If heath insurance companies were doing their jobs properly, they wouldn't be seeing record profits. That isn't how it works. And I doubt some of the stuff said in Sicko, but I don't doubt that these companies go out of their way to deny care to those that need it. And the "you're not denying care, you're denying payment" line is total bullshit. I pay $54/month in health insurance. If I need care, I better fucking get it. Otherwise, I can drop $54/month into a savings account and pay for my own care when I need it. The problem with that, of course, is that you lose the discount for services that health insurance providers negotiate. There needs to be complete overhaul.
Sorry. Shit like that just makes me so angry.
"Silly names aside, Los Campesinos! play superbly crafted indie pop that bounces off walls like Love Is All, grins with the childlike exuberance of Bis, and throws the toy chest into its arrangements like Architecture in Helsinki. Glockenspiels and pizzicato violin veer into reckless guitar riffs and full-bodied handclaps-- or fizz over, like Mentos and Coke, into happy-stupid crescendos."
It is love. I absolutely adore them.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Dave Eggers Rules My World

The book is engaging and broken up into short segments so it is a great book to carry with you and read when you get a chance. It really makes you think about the penal system. Some of these people were on death row. They were supposed to be executed for a crime they didn't commit. And it isn't like the West Memphis Three, where everyone knows they didn't do it. There people's families turned on them. It is so heartbreaking. I really think it is important that people read books like this. I agree with Adam Carolla and his idea that "juror" should be a paid government job, like a cop. These people should need degrees and accurately represent the area population. They should know about law. I can convince someone who knows nothing about something to believe anything and that is what happened in a lot of these cases. I would also strongly recommend watching The Wire on HBO. Other than the fact the Omar is a total badass, the show gives you a really good look at what life is really like for criminals and cops. I found myself unsurprised by some of the things I read because I knew from The Wire that is was happening. Also, The Wire is clever, engaging, well-directed, well-shot, and well-written. It is literally the BEST television show I have ever seen and I watch a lot of TV.
But back to the book, I hope to find a signed copy while I am in San Francisco. The one I read is from the library and I am devastated I have to give it back. It is that good.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Kate Nash - Foundations
I'm still not sure if I like this song or just love the cuteness of this girl/video. But either way, it is enjoyable to watch. I have been in a weird place lately, but I am feeling good today.
Kate Nash eating lemons is absolutely adorable.
Monday, July 23, 2007
First things first
And speaking of that album, I really enjoy "Sweepstakes Prize" as it makes me think of my wonderful, loving boyfriend. It also just so happens to be our 4 year and 8 month anniversary (yes, we still celebrate months...sometimes), also known as our 56th month anniversary. Thus, today's link is for him. Give it a listen. It is a really good song.
"You know all of my secret ideas
The ones I'm giving up on and the ones I'll keep
And everybody sees a funny look in our eyes
'Cause we know that we already won the sweepstakes prize"
Sunday, July 22, 2007
New Music

Bella has a new album out Sept. 18th. I certainly recommend you look around for the song "No One Will Know" (also the album title). I have been enjoying the song enormously.
They're adorable.
"Don't be shy
You doing what I like
You're not the lonely one
Come on come over
Half of all of this is true
The rest is me not you
and I both know better"
As is always the case, imagine copyright someone else. I just lifted it from the band's myspace.
Speaking of cute indie pop, I am going to see the Starlight Mints tonight. No one I asked knew who they were, so maybe the teen indie idiots will stay away and I can enjoy myself. I hope it isn't too empty though or it'll be awkward.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Your Score: 7331 Cat
48% Affectionate, 56% Excitable, 55% Hungry
Lolzergs have nothing on you. You are swift and ruthless, cutting down whatever and whomever necessary in order to obtain the foodz. As one of the first lolcat known to man, your ancient skills in location-declaration and object-verbing have been passed down several generations, keeping the spirit of felinity alive.
To see all possible results, checka dis.
Link: The Which Lolcat Are You? Test written by GumOtaku on OkCupid, home of the The Dating Persona Test |
This is me.
I am weird.
I really want to start taking pictures. I am going to buy a camera when I get back from San Fran. I know which one I want. I love it already and I have never seen it. I think I am going to do a Project365 thing, where you take at least one picture every day. I hear it is amazing to look over after some time. Because of the memories of small things you wouldn't remember otherwise that come back. I imagine I will take a lot of pictures of rain and of people I see doing things that I find humorous. I am really excited about the idea and I already see things and think "That would be my picture of the day today." Clearly, I am really excited. I want to buy the camera now, but then I couldn't pay my credit card bill.
I am going to become a weirdo that asks people to take pictures with me or let me take pictures of them, but I don't care.
I'm going to stop, I swear.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Word of the Day
tortuous \TOR-choo-us\, adjective:
1. Marked by repeated turns and bends; as, "a tortuous road up the mountain."
2. Not straightforward; devious; as, "his tortuous reasoning."
3. Highly involved or intricate; as, "tortuous legal procedures."
Thanks, Doctor Dictionary. That is basically how it is.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Kurt Halsey is a God

This is what I strive for in every relationship and Halsey's work embraces it perfectly.

I wish I could be her. That is what I am striving for. Perfectly adorable.

I rarely say things are the CUTEST thing I've ever seen, but this is the cutest, saddest thing I've ever seen.

This would be my ideal existence. Rainy and warm.

This is so sweet and loving. It is intimate and cute and lovely.
Here is Kurt Halsey's Wikipedia page and his website. This is some of the most amazing work I have ever seen. I love it like I love Craig Thompson.

This is from http://www.misakorocks.com/. You have probably seen it already, he does art for The Onion, but I thought I'd link because I liked that image so much.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Rilo Kiley - A Better Son/Daughter
I know this is off an older album, but I had a fairly limited collection of Rilo Kiley music until recently. This is my new favorite song. It may not be better than "Glendora," but right now, it is perfect.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I'm so slow with things
All pictures are from the Stars and Infinite Darkness website.

I absolutely adore this wallet. And I already have a pretty awesome wallet. This is just amazing. I literally said that out loud at work and got made fun of. But it is amazing.

I really need a new bag. This one is cute, but my least favorite of the ones I likes. It is cheaper than the others though. The one I use is cute, but I use it all the time and it is getting worn. A bag is on my list of things to buy in San Francisco.

I made a mistake. This bag is actually cheaper than the other one. I like the plain exterior.

This bag costs the most, but is by far my favorite. It manages to be huge (I carry a lot of books) and cute. I like how nice it looks slung over her shoulder.

Apparently, this top is their best selling item and for good reason. It is very cute. I wish they had a small. My upper half is pretty tiny.

I like this shirt. I have enough green shirts, but the white one isn't as cute. None of my other green shirts have hearts on them though, so that justifies getting another one, right?

I love this top and not just because I think the model is really cute. It is so versatile and the amount of money I can spend on clothes is limited so I like to get things that are cute and wearable. It is $80 though, which is a lot for me to spend on a shirt. My total outfit right now cost less than $80 (hurray for sales!). But that top is cuter than my whole outfit.

There is nothing I don't love about this outfit. The skirt is pretty and cheap. I have spent more on uglier skirts. And the top goes so perfectly with it (on sale!). That whole outfit only costs a little more than the shirt I like. I think I may actually order that. But it would cut into vacation money so I don't know.

I don't even want this really, but it is a cute idea and it is so cheap. If I were ordering something, which I might, I would get it. Because why not? It is sexy and practical.
I recommend checking their stock list before ordering. Or just ordering and waiting, I guess. I will order something soon and report the results.
Purchasing everything on this page would be $552, which really isn't bad considering how much you'd get. And that includes 3 bags, which I probably wouldn't order.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Music Roundup
I also like this tee from Karmaloop.
I probably shouldn't post this, but Esquire did. I didn't check it out as I am at work and can't, but I will say that I have considered Gmail, especially with the higher attachment size allowance, a possible source for sharing large files, such as music. Not that I would ever do that.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Monday, July 9, 2007
Speaking of buying things
I want to buy things so badly
I can't wait to go to Berkeley and shop at all the cute little shops and buy the cutest things in the world. Though, let's be honest, we all know all my money is going to spent at Cody's, Booksmith, and Rasputin's.
Finally, I am considering getting an account at PersonalCloset.com. It seems like a neat idea and a good way to get designer clothing cheaper. The problem is, of course, that I was raised to believe that only the truly shallow think about things like fashion and the comfort is the most important thing. Whatever. I had hippie parents.
Also, there is this: Prickie. Everyone knows the buttons/pins bought from street vendors are cooler and generally more interesting, but some of the ones on there are really cute. I just don't know what I'd do with them.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
I got Skitch

It is awesome, but I am looking for more ways to use it. I made this emo piece of shit. I captured the hearts off a blog I read. I'm going to claim the half border is there to represent something, but really, I forgot the border was there and didn't notice that only half of it appeared until it was already uploaded.
Skitch can do cooler things. I promise.
Friday, July 6, 2007
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
The Avalanches - Since I Left You
Man, I loved this song for a long time. I'd never seen this video.
There is so much going on
1) Someone needs to make a Flirt Divert for the US. I was going to say "for me" but no one flirts with me and if they did, I am a decent enough person to explain I am unavailable. Unless you're really cute, in which case, I have a boyfriend and if you can get past that, then I am totally available.
2) Maybe I just don't get it, I mean the video is well made (though I haven't seen it before, they can't be the first to say Internet Killed the Video Star) and fun to watch, but the music isn't very good. We'll see. Maybe it'll grow on my like Daft Punk never did.
3) Esquire (the only magazine other than The Believer that I have a subscription to) is the best magazine. Nothing else is ever so consistently and unself-consciously pretentious. It exists in a realm that I couldn't even begin to enter. Anyway, right now, they are doing The Napkin Fiction Project. It is turning out very well. My favorites so far:
Jonathan Ames
Julianna Baggott
Andrew Sean Greer
Millard Kaufman
Joey Goebel
I stole all of this from Fimoculous and just expanded on it.