I know I've mentioned before, but Broken Social Scene is possibly the best live band there is. Here are pictures from the show I was at. Lisa Lobsinger wore the prettiest dress I'd ever seen.
Also, You Forget it in People may well be the best album that has come out in my lifetime.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Food Recommendations
1) Magic Stars from Publix: They are Publix's version of Lucky Charms and they are amazing. I eat them every morning without fail and they're half the price of Lucky Charms.
2) Louisiana Hot Sauce - Not too hot. Very cheap.
3) Trader Joe's Cinnamon Almonds - Ingredients: Almonds, sugar, cinnamon
That alone is worth the trip.
I was going to keep recommending food stuffs, but now I need to plan a trip to Atlanta.
2) Louisiana Hot Sauce - Not too hot. Very cheap.
3) Trader Joe's Cinnamon Almonds - Ingredients: Almonds, sugar, cinnamon
That alone is worth the trip.
I was going to keep recommending food stuffs, but now I need to plan a trip to Atlanta.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
No one has checked on me this morning
I think everyone forgot I work here. Whatever. As long as I get paid.
I decided to do a round-up of sites I actually read/use regularly.
I am planning a trip to gorgeous San Francisco and my favorite flight finding tools are SideStep and Farecast. SideStep is kind of like Travelocity or one of those sites in that it compares flight prices, but it compares them between the airlines and the discount sites so you get a more full picture of what is available. It is also nice looking and easy to use. Farecast is a neat little tool that predicts whether ticket prices are going to go up down or not change. So far, I have found it to be pretty accurate. It only works on major airports right now, but for a Tampa to San Francisco flight, it works fine and is very accurate.
I also like to read this blog. I think the rampant stealing of intellectual property on the internet poses an interesting issue. I generally agree with what the people on this site say. They are pretty levelheaded.
A friend of mine sent over this article about sex play on the internet.
I also thought I'd link to these oft-linked to items from Forbes. It is a list of inventions they wish would be invented . Some are dumb, some are really cool. But the whole plausibility thing is the most interesting.
I found this place which seemed really cool and fun. It makes me wish I had a more creative job. I mean, I use work time to be creative. Sometimes I write stories, plus my incessant blogging. Though I also use work time for the much less productive social networking aspect.
Speaking of that. I got a Virb account. My name on there is, of course, SylvieBean. I encourage everyone to get one before it gets all crowded and ugly like myspace.
I decided to do a round-up of sites I actually read/use regularly.
I am planning a trip to gorgeous San Francisco and my favorite flight finding tools are SideStep and Farecast. SideStep is kind of like Travelocity or one of those sites in that it compares flight prices, but it compares them between the airlines and the discount sites so you get a more full picture of what is available. It is also nice looking and easy to use. Farecast is a neat little tool that predicts whether ticket prices are going to go up down or not change. So far, I have found it to be pretty accurate. It only works on major airports right now, but for a Tampa to San Francisco flight, it works fine and is very accurate.
I also like to read this blog. I think the rampant stealing of intellectual property on the internet poses an interesting issue. I generally agree with what the people on this site say. They are pretty levelheaded.
A friend of mine sent over this article about sex play on the internet.
I also thought I'd link to these oft-linked to items from Forbes. It is a list of inventions they wish would be invented . Some are dumb, some are really cool. But the whole plausibility thing is the most interesting.
I found this place which seemed really cool and fun. It makes me wish I had a more creative job. I mean, I use work time to be creative. Sometimes I write stories, plus my incessant blogging. Though I also use work time for the much less productive social networking aspect.
Speaking of that. I got a Virb account. My name on there is, of course, SylvieBean. I encourage everyone to get one before it gets all crowded and ugly like myspace.
Monday, May 28, 2007
I was going to update
But fuck it. It is a holiday. I am spend the day watching the 5th season of Scrubs.
Be back tomorrow.
Be back tomorrow.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Oh Fucky Fuck
I have been so bad this week. It isn't even like I have been busy.
People need to worry less about friendships. If you want something, ask. If you want to know something, ask. If you are busy, say so. If you neglected someone for awhile, apologize. Everyone needs to stop being a baby all the time.

I'm always looking for cute dresses for work and this one would be perfect if I had a little something to go over it.
And if you're in Chicago, I have heard good things about this place.
The pictures are stolen from my favorite French fashion boutique which I am sure I mentioned before. But look at that top! Look how cute it is. I would look so cute in it. And the skirt is adorable. But that top is perfect.
People need to worry less about friendships. If you want something, ask. If you want to know something, ask. If you are busy, say so. If you neglected someone for awhile, apologize. Everyone needs to stop being a baby all the time.

I'm always looking for cute dresses for work and this one would be perfect if I had a little something to go over it.
And if you're in Chicago, I have heard good things about this place.
The pictures are stolen from my favorite French fashion boutique which I am sure I mentioned before. But look at that top! Look how cute it is. I would look so cute in it. And the skirt is adorable. But that top is perfect.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Ted Leo - 'A Bottle of Buckie'
Since I talked about how good he is live, I thought it only fair that I share. I am tired today and don't feel like looking for things. I think tomorrow will be a clothes day though.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It took awhile to get this shit to work: Music
So, as you can see, YouTube and I are friends again, but I am still a little pissed that it took 8 hours to post my video. But yeah.
Now this isn't the place for personal information, I have somewhere else for that, but I wanted to start of the music post with a story:
One day, many years ago, when The Unicorns were still a band, I went to see them in Tampa. While waiting in line outside the venue, I saw Alden and the roadie, Max, outside the club. I walked up and introduced myself and they invited me and my friends to dinner. It was awesome for a little while, then it sucked when we realized that Alden was the biggest fucking prick in the world. (Jaime and Max were nice). So whatever, dinner sucked. The show was awesome. We danced and it was cool. So we get them to sign some shit for us (and Neil was a cool guy. He didn't go to dinner so we met him after the show). We help them out a little getting their stuff out of the club and then just as we are leaving, Alden asks if I want to blow off my friends and come back to his hotel room. I said no. Why, you ask? a) I don't sleep with strangers, b) he was really sweaty, and c) I was at the show with my boyfriend. I know one of the girls I went with is friends with someone who did actually sleep with him in Miami, so it is nice to know I was one of the many girls he propositioned.
Ok. Whatever. That story is funnier/cooler in my head.
So, I hadn't been on Pitchfork in awhile and missed a lot of news. Here it is in handy list form:
1) Neko Case and Rufus Wainwright are going to touring together. I am a huge Rufus Wainwright (and Louden) fan. But I know not everyone gets into his brand of fag rock (like folk rock, but gayer, in a good way).
2) This is actually more about a book, but my celebrity writer crush (after Sarah Vowell), Dave Eggers has Sufjan Stevens (my music super crush) writing the intro to the latest in the Non-Required Reading series. I have all of them and they have gotten progressively less good, so maybe this year they'll step it up and it'll be mind-blowingly good again.
3) Ted Leo is touring more. I seriously recommend seeing him. His music is not only outstanding, but he is clever and funny and a lot of fun to watch.
4) The Austin City Limits music festival is supposed to be the best there is and Texas is a really fucking sexy state. I would love to go, but I won't. You certainly should though.
There is a lot of sexiness in this post. Even the things not intended to be sexy were a little sexy.
Now this isn't the place for personal information, I have somewhere else for that, but I wanted to start of the music post with a story:
One day, many years ago, when The Unicorns were still a band, I went to see them in Tampa. While waiting in line outside the venue, I saw Alden and the roadie, Max, outside the club. I walked up and introduced myself and they invited me and my friends to dinner. It was awesome for a little while, then it sucked when we realized that Alden was the biggest fucking prick in the world. (Jaime and Max were nice). So whatever, dinner sucked. The show was awesome. We danced and it was cool. So we get them to sign some shit for us (and Neil was a cool guy. He didn't go to dinner so we met him after the show). We help them out a little getting their stuff out of the club and then just as we are leaving, Alden asks if I want to blow off my friends and come back to his hotel room. I said no. Why, you ask? a) I don't sleep with strangers, b) he was really sweaty, and c) I was at the show with my boyfriend. I know one of the girls I went with is friends with someone who did actually sleep with him in Miami, so it is nice to know I was one of the many girls he propositioned.
Ok. Whatever. That story is funnier/cooler in my head.
So, I hadn't been on Pitchfork in awhile and missed a lot of news. Here it is in handy list form:
1) Neko Case and Rufus Wainwright are going to touring together. I am a huge Rufus Wainwright (and Louden) fan. But I know not everyone gets into his brand of fag rock (like folk rock, but gayer, in a good way).
2) This is actually more about a book, but my celebrity writer crush (after Sarah Vowell), Dave Eggers has Sufjan Stevens (my music super crush) writing the intro to the latest in the Non-Required Reading series. I have all of them and they have gotten progressively less good, so maybe this year they'll step it up and it'll be mind-blowingly good again.
3) Ted Leo is touring more. I seriously recommend seeing him. His music is not only outstanding, but he is clever and funny and a lot of fun to watch.
4) The Austin City Limits music festival is supposed to be the best there is and Texas is a really fucking sexy state. I would love to go, but I won't. You certainly should though.
There is a lot of sexiness in this post. Even the things not intended to be sexy were a little sexy.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Andrew Bird Live
Seeing Ansrew Bird live would cerainly be something to be quite excited about. Look at those sunglasses. And the tan lines. He's quite the man.
It was supposed to be music day
But music day will have to be tomorrow, because a) YouTube is hating on me again and b) I actually had to work some today.
Maybe I will post a video tonight before the Veronica Mars finale.
Maybe I will post a video tonight before the Veronica Mars finale.
Monday, May 21, 2007
LOVE and sex, sex, sex

Something happens in every girl's life where she discovers a gay man that she fucking adores. Mine is Dan Savage who I do nothing but link to (not this time though). I am reading one of his books, his column, and listening to his podcasts. It is all Dan Savage, all the time. Which means, it is all sex all the time. Kinky fucking crazy ass sex ALL THE TIME. Also, I have gotten into this cute little indie comic (see above). Thus today being LOVE and sex, sex, sex.
Since we already got the first love out of the way, here is the second love. A comic about Apple computers. I love comics. I love Macs.
Everything from here on out is dirty. Don't click if you are at work/in the same room as your mom/afraid of sex
Yeah, I don't remember why I wanted to
post this, but it was included in the post this link message I left for myself.
This is neato. I have seen a weird comic thing that involved these rope things and it was pretty awesome looking. Not my thing, but I figured, you know, you might be into that.
And finally, if you find yourself having kinky sex with a lot of people and need to notify them of that pesky STD, there is a website for that. Yeah, basically everyone I know got one of those.
See how sweet this started? With that cute little comic? NOW look. You're messaging your acquaintances to tell them about the STDs and to apologize for the rope burns. Quite the day you're having.
Friday, May 18, 2007
I'm so excited
My favorite comic book artist has a blog now. He has a new book coming out that I am really excited about. Plus, another REAL book in a few years. I have an awesome mint copy of Carnet de Voyage, first edition. It is probably one of the most lovely and moving books I have ever read. Of course, Blankets is the book that got me in to comics. And I can't read Good-Bye, Chunky Rice with crying.
I stumbled on this person's blog and I really liked it.
Now for a quick rant, if you are talking to someone while sitting in front of a computer and they say something and you don't know what it is (and this especially goes for if you are on AIM) FUCKING GOOGLE IT. Don't ask what it is unless you can't find it. If they recommend a band, type in the band name and "myspace" and give it a listen. We have the fucking internet people. You have no excuse to be ignorant.
Yesterday I had this conversation:
Him: I was reading about the Fox upfront and this guy said "Why would they renew fifth grader?" This guy must be an idiot.
Me: Yeah, it is the only new show that drew any viewers. I am worried ab
Other person interrupts: What are upfronts? What is fifth grader? Why is he stupid?
Me: Doesn't matter.
If you are near a conversation, but not actively engaged and you hear them say a lot of things that make no sense to you, then you should shut up and either look it up or ignore it. No one will like you if you interrupt their conversation with relatively inane questions.
I stumbled on this person's blog and I really liked it.
Now for a quick rant, if you are talking to someone while sitting in front of a computer and they say something and you don't know what it is (and this especially goes for if you are on AIM) FUCKING GOOGLE IT. Don't ask what it is unless you can't find it. If they recommend a band, type in the band name and "myspace" and give it a listen. We have the fucking internet people. You have no excuse to be ignorant.
Yesterday I had this conversation:
Him: I was reading about the Fox upfront and this guy said "Why would they renew fifth grader?" This guy must be an idiot.
Me: Yeah, it is the only new show that drew any viewers. I am worried ab
Other person interrupts: What are upfronts? What is fifth grader? Why is he stupid?
Me: Doesn't matter.
If you are near a conversation, but not actively engaged and you hear them say a lot of things that make no sense to you, then you should shut up and either look it up or ignore it. No one will like you if you interrupt their conversation with relatively inane questions.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
i'm in like with you

At first, i'm in like with you creeped me out. I felt like a prostitute, peddling my wares (sexy as they may be) for boys (and girls) to bid on in exchange (presumably) for "friendly" encounters. However, I have made quite a few contacts (mostly nerdy guys) and all of them seem really cool. We talk about school and work and normal stuff and no one has asked for naked pictures or suggested we meet up. And anyone on there for more than an hour or so (I've been on ALL DAY) realizes that it is a super small community and you basically run into the same people. I didn't realize you could search by sexual orientation so things have really changed for me. This is me.
Not a lot today so I got you a cat macro that I love.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
I say this a lot
But Dan Savage, while not right 100% of the time, is a fucking genius.
"And up to now the mainstream media have refrained from calling the right's opposition to the HPV vaccine what it is—delusional, psychotic, homicidal—because up to now only women's lives were at stake.
That's about to change.
Here's the headline from my morning paper: "HPV Factors in Throat Cancer: Study Could Shift Debate About Vaccine." You bet it will. Up to now the HPV vaccine—which, again, has proven 100 percent effective against the cancer-causing strains of the virus—could merely prevent 10,000 cases of cervical cancer in American women every year, along with 4,000 deaths. But now the debate could shift—it will shift—because it's no longer "just" the lives of 4,000 American women that are on the line, but the sex lives of 150 million American men."
"And up to now the mainstream media have refrained from calling the right's opposition to the HPV vaccine what it is—delusional, psychotic, homicidal—because up to now only women's lives were at stake.
That's about to change.
Here's the headline from my morning paper: "HPV Factors in Throat Cancer: Study Could Shift Debate About Vaccine." You bet it will. Up to now the HPV vaccine—which, again, has proven 100 percent effective against the cancer-causing strains of the virus—could merely prevent 10,000 cases of cervical cancer in American women every year, along with 4,000 deaths. But now the debate could shift—it will shift—because it's no longer "just" the lives of 4,000 American women that are on the line, but the sex lives of 150 million American men."
Welp, it has been a few days

My work days have been filled with whiny posts in the real blog and cat macros (Google it if you don't know). But I have gathered some cool/cute/fun shit for you to look at.
THIS IS PORNOGRAPHY. Definitely not work safe and possibly not home safe. Don't click unless you want to see a half-naked girl pirate. I have been looking at lots of SG pictures and I even bought the bra you see here because some girl looked really cute in a similar one. (It is from Urban Outfitters. It is the cheaper one.)
Twitter hates me and won't post my updates. i'm in like with you is working out well once I got past the totally creeped out part.
I need someone to buy me one of these. I want a cat so badly. SO SO BADLY. But I need it to be hypoallergenic.
I found these suicide notes sad and interesting. I honestly wish there were more. I would have kept reading.
Ok. That's all for now.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Stolen Jokes are the best kind of jokes
Knock knock
Who's there?
9/11 who?
If you can guess the punchline, I'll give you a dollar.
I wasn't in the mood for this today, but I have some cute shit waiting in the wings and tomorrow will be a better day. I am going to be wearing a pink shirt.
I spent $180 on clothes in the last week. Such a fucking waste.
Who's there?
9/11 who?
If you can guess the punchline, I'll give you a dollar.
I wasn't in the mood for this today, but I have some cute shit waiting in the wings and tomorrow will be a better day. I am going to be wearing a pink shirt.
I spent $180 on clothes in the last week. Such a fucking waste.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
Coming at you from all sides
Usually I use slow Friday mornings at work to write short stories that no one will ever read, but I'm not in the mood today.
I was friends with this kid in high school. He was really nice. He had a couple younger brothers and I even met his mom once and she was a wonderful woman. The crime was pretty awful. 5 (young, black) guys decided to go rob a drug dealer and in the process shot him. That is fucked up. They definitely did something wrong. They definitely deserved to get in to trouble for this, but (and I am not saying this just as his friend because I don't even know the other kids) I don't think that the sentences are fair. Ponds, Rera, and Presley were not even present when the shots were fired. The ringleader in all this is Adam Jones who is clearly a bad guy. Look at his fucking rap sheet. He has committed multiple violent crimes. The kid that actually fired the shot, the one that got them in all this trouble that they wouldn't be in otherwise, is clearly not all there. And that is fucked up. These kids are going to be serving many years (though probably not full sentences). Carlos Fuentes will probably get life in prison which is just disgusting.
I have also been keeping up with another case. A friend of mine was friends with one of these kids. These kids beat a homeless man to death with a baseball bat, or 2 of them did anyway. ON TAPE. And they beat other people. Defenseless people that didn't have a fucking home to go to. Just because they could. Look at his charges! It is ridiculous. I want to see what happens here. Clearly, what these kids did was worse. But my friend, and those other kids, are black, lower middle class people from a predominantly white (pretty racist) town in central Florida. These other kids are white and presumably wealthy. Their crime was worse (although you could argue that they are as mentally fucked up as Carlos, though in a different way). I want to see the end result of both these trials, because what I think is going to happen is pretty fucked up and I hope it doesn't come to fruition.
I was friends with this kid in high school. He was really nice. He had a couple younger brothers and I even met his mom once and she was a wonderful woman. The crime was pretty awful. 5 (young, black) guys decided to go rob a drug dealer and in the process shot him. That is fucked up. They definitely did something wrong. They definitely deserved to get in to trouble for this, but (and I am not saying this just as his friend because I don't even know the other kids) I don't think that the sentences are fair. Ponds, Rera, and Presley were not even present when the shots were fired. The ringleader in all this is Adam Jones who is clearly a bad guy. Look at his fucking rap sheet. He has committed multiple violent crimes. The kid that actually fired the shot, the one that got them in all this trouble that they wouldn't be in otherwise, is clearly not all there. And that is fucked up. These kids are going to be serving many years (though probably not full sentences). Carlos Fuentes will probably get life in prison which is just disgusting.
I have also been keeping up with another case. A friend of mine was friends with one of these kids. These kids beat a homeless man to death with a baseball bat, or 2 of them did anyway. ON TAPE. And they beat other people. Defenseless people that didn't have a fucking home to go to. Just because they could. Look at his charges! It is ridiculous. I want to see what happens here. Clearly, what these kids did was worse. But my friend, and those other kids, are black, lower middle class people from a predominantly white (pretty racist) town in central Florida. These other kids are white and presumably wealthy. Their crime was worse (although you could argue that they are as mentally fucked up as Carlos, though in a different way). I want to see the end result of both these trials, because what I think is going to happen is pretty fucked up and I hope it doesn't come to fruition.
i'm in like with you
I got on to i'm in like with you with an open invite (Thanks, guy!) and it makes me a little uncomfortable to be bid on, but also complimented that I am being bid on. When I get invites, I will notify everyone and give them out.
I also have a Joost invite I can't use if someone would like it.
I got videos to work again. We're not going to talk about what the problem was.
I also have a Joost invite I can't use if someone would like it.
I got videos to work again. We're not going to talk about what the problem was.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
None of my videos work
So it is linking all the way.
First up, this news story made me so sad. I understand that killing a cop is pretty much the highest offense ever, but this guy being executed is totally unreasonable (although I think all execution is wrong). And not honoring his last request? Bullshit. I'm glad people helped him out though. Just goes to show that people are better than I give them credit for.
Garrison Keillor is a really cool guy.
This guy seems really cool. I haven't read the blog, but I am definitely going to.
The AV Club rarely lets me down, but this is particularly good.
Secondly, as the title suggest, no videos have been working. We'll see about fixing this (meaning, I will keep trying until something works and if nothing works, I will quit). You probably didn't want to see a cute girl dancing to Daft Punk anyway.
First up, this news story made me so sad. I understand that killing a cop is pretty much the highest offense ever, but this guy being executed is totally unreasonable (although I think all execution is wrong). And not honoring his last request? Bullshit. I'm glad people helped him out though. Just goes to show that people are better than I give them credit for.
Garrison Keillor is a really cool guy.
This guy seems really cool. I haven't read the blog, but I am definitely going to.
The AV Club rarely lets me down, but this is particularly good.
Secondly, as the title suggest, no videos have been working. We'll see about fixing this (meaning, I will keep trying until something works and if nothing works, I will quit). You probably didn't want to see a cute girl dancing to Daft Punk anyway.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Sorry. I really mean well
Fabulous Morning Five (we'll see if you're good. Maybe you'll get an afternoon 5):
1) Feist has a new album in case you hadn't noticed.
2) There are too many blog posts about how twitter is revolutionizing blogging. I am not even going to link to them. (this is what Google is for, kids. I'm not always going to be here to do this for you). I love Twitter, but seriously, blogging is my love.
3)Rory said no, but anyone as devoted to spoilers as I am saw it coming.
4) I love Savage Love, but I also like Ask Amy.
5) The Ten comes out in August and you should go see it. I saw it already and I am going to see it again in August.
If you are considering not reading Savage Love, you are wrong.
"One asshole relative managed to unravel your self-confidence, destroy your sex life, and turn you into a weepy bag of slop? Toughen the fuck up, IHMFIL. There's an anti-gay pogrom under way in Poland, homos are being executed in Iran, and gay men and women are being lynched in Jamaica. You've got one asshole relative and you're melting into a puddle? Please."
1) Feist has a new album in case you hadn't noticed.
2) There are too many blog posts about how twitter is revolutionizing blogging. I am not even going to link to them. (this is what Google is for, kids. I'm not always going to be here to do this for you). I love Twitter, but seriously, blogging is my love.
3)Rory said no, but anyone as devoted to spoilers as I am saw it coming.
4) I love Savage Love, but I also like Ask Amy.
5) The Ten comes out in August and you should go see it. I saw it already and I am going to see it again in August.
If you are considering not reading Savage Love, you are wrong.
"One asshole relative managed to unravel your self-confidence, destroy your sex life, and turn you into a weepy bag of slop? Toughen the fuck up, IHMFIL. There's an anti-gay pogrom under way in Poland, homos are being executed in Iran, and gay men and women are being lynched in Jamaica. You've got one asshole relative and you're melting into a puddle? Please."
Monday, May 7, 2007

If you're not, you should be watching The Wire. It is, by far, the best show on television. The DVDs are crazy expensive, so rent them or something. Make sure the quality of the video is high because the show is shot beautifully and you don't want to miss anything.
Also, while it is not always true British television is generally better. Also, watch QI if you've never seen it. It'll make you feel like the smartest idiot around.
Also, I really wanted this, but they sold out.
Finally, I stumbled upon this which is the lamest/weirdest/most disturbing website I've seen in awhile.
There is a woman who is refusing to consume Starbucks because they have an anti-God quote on one of their cups. Whatever. She's wrong. At least she's not suing. If they had a pro-God quote on their cups and I wanted to get a news story printed about it, people would think I was insane. But I do find it a bit offensive. Not enough to give a shit, but still. This isn't news and shouldn't be in a newspaper. These stories are a huge part of what is wrong in the world right now.
Friday, May 4, 2007
One thing that isn't cool
Don't join a social networking site and then say "Don't add me if I don't know you." The whole point is to meet people you don't know. And then you just sound like a snotty bitch. Also, your shit isn't funny.
But for today:
I know you have all been going to Woot on and off for years as I have been, but it wasn't until recently that I found out that there is a Wine.Woot. I don't drink wine, but I might take it up in order to buy some from this site.
Also, you should be reading Dinosaur Comics.
People are giving away Joost invites all over the internet. If you want to give me one, it'll be much appreciated, but not as much as an i'm in like with you invite.
Also, there is this. I make no guaruntees for quality though. I don't use it.
Music for today: Listen to Heart by Stars. The album or the song, depending on your level of commitment.
But for today:
I know you have all been going to Woot on and off for years as I have been, but it wasn't until recently that I found out that there is a Wine.Woot. I don't drink wine, but I might take it up in order to buy some from this site.
Also, you should be reading Dinosaur Comics.
People are giving away Joost invites all over the internet. If you want to give me one, it'll be much appreciated, but not as much as an i'm in like with you invite.
Also, there is this. I make no guaruntees for quality though. I don't use it.
Music for today: Listen to Heart by Stars. The album or the song, depending on your level of commitment.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Ruined Pick Up Lines
From the Something Awful forums:
Nice shirt, want to fuck and never speak again and maybe make awkward eye contact at parties but that's about the extent of our contact even though we have engaged in the most intimate action known to man?
If I told you you had a nice body, would you get the joke?
"I like your mouth."
"Cause I have a penis."
So do you wanna dance??
I said "you look fat in those pants!"
I like my women like I like my coffee; QUIET
Nice shirt, want to fuck and never speak again and maybe make awkward eye contact at parties but that's about the extent of our contact even though we have engaged in the most intimate action known to man?
If I told you you had a nice body, would you get the joke?
"I like your mouth."
"Cause I have a penis."
So do you wanna dance??
I said "you look fat in those pants!"
I like my women like I like my coffee; QUIET
It has been awhile
And I have been all over the internet this morning.
I am looking for an invite to i'm in like with you.
This site is the epitome of cool. (And yes, when I read the word epitome, I pronounce it "ep-i-tOm" in my head)
I joined twitter and it is cool. You should join. Really. You should. Just try it out. Barack Obama has twitter and you don't. Now don't you feel uncool? You should. Read about it here. Also, the guy that made me fall in love with blogging for people other than myself Fimoculous wrote an article on twitter.
If you join, you must be my friend!
I was using facebook to post all this crap and then I remembered that I have this site and no one visits, but maybe they will IF I update occassionally with more than music videos. I got all nervous on facebook for awhile and took everything off my site and hid out for awhile, but I am opening it back up. What do I care? I LOVE attention.
One final thing, if you don't have gmail, get it. I will even invite you if you want to be all old skool about joining. But googletalk is awesome and I needs people to chat with me while I'm at work. Plus, if you're good I will send you cool pictures that I find on the internet while I am bored at work.
I am looking for an invite to i'm in like with you.
This site is the epitome of cool. (And yes, when I read the word epitome, I pronounce it "ep-i-tOm" in my head)
I joined twitter and it is cool. You should join. Really. You should. Just try it out. Barack Obama has twitter and you don't. Now don't you feel uncool? You should. Read about it here. Also, the guy that made me fall in love with blogging for people other than myself Fimoculous wrote an article on twitter.
If you join, you must be my friend!
I was using facebook to post all this crap and then I remembered that I have this site and no one visits, but maybe they will IF I update occassionally with more than music videos. I got all nervous on facebook for awhile and took everything off my site and hid out for awhile, but I am opening it back up. What do I care? I LOVE attention.
One final thing, if you don't have gmail, get it. I will even invite you if you want to be all old skool about joining. But googletalk is awesome and I needs people to chat with me while I'm at work. Plus, if you're good I will send you cool pictures that I find on the internet while I am bored at work.
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